A friend of mine whom i like very much has described himself an atheist. It is a word i do not come across during any of my studies.I dont know the thick dogmas which advocates atheism.
A person who sees with clarity,gives importance to simple reasoning,evaluates things in consonance with its merits and demerits.And a person who believes not illogical things,prophesies &superstitions.Thus far i know about atheism.One thing is sure.An atheist is a person who is very near to spirituality!He is ready to say he knows only things which are knowable.He does not want to keep an account in swiss bank... obscure!with the belief that the mighty bank will take care of him!Believers of God, many a times proudly say they have huge bank balance in Bank of Almighty and the fund will take care of them now and even after death!Strange enough, ones belief contradicts the other ones belief.
If a person says he knows only the facts around him and not ready to believe more he is in the right path.Because many things about spirituality is belief based,without proof,even false belief is received with acclaim because all believers can believe a lot,many fancies,many stories told to you in childhood.And if you do not believe such things you may feel guilty because you fear, you may face the wrath of God or may not receive the blessings!Any belief is blind,that is why one mans belief is totally against the other ones.So much of hatred and war over belief systems...Fighting for ones belief...fighting for ones own God...They say God is love...That you do not believe...because if God is love we can also love people of other religions..No...Our God is only love & my friends God is hatred.It is like our sugar is sweet...not my neighbors!Many types of Gods!
A person who sees this drama from his very birth becomes an atheist...it is not his fault...But....
When an atheist says there is no God or spiritual force he depends too much on his logic&intelligence.And he closes the doors too.Nothing is beyond logic,He is definite.He is correct,God is not someone who can be known by logic.If u depend too much on your logic no chance for God.
Lord Budha was asked "who is the creator"?He replied "The creator is the creation"Not Two,All in One!
A great macro energy runs...uninterrupted... Without measurements...Even without a beginning or end...Thus our limited logic loses the scope...So atheist closes the door with his own logic intact.
A formless energy..independent intelligence..updating itself in every fraction of a second..God does not have form..Humans have forms...You will not believe any thing formless...Acharyas depicted Gods in numerous forms...Only for our cognizance..Because we wanted to see to believe...
If u put form to this great energy the experience part loses..Can you deny the experience of love only because it is formless..Does pain have form?You go beyond the boundary of your body to experience the formless.
A devotee goes to a church or a person goes to a mosque will feel the same degree of ecstasy and inner peace .For both of them the source is same.Only from the same source identical result comes,Sugar is derived only from sugarcane anywhere.Thus proving the one and only energy center..Creator is the creation.. !
Spirituality means awakening the formless spirits in you.Happiness,love,compassion all are formless spirits profusely residing inside you.If these energies are awakened you elevate yourself to a higher level of awareness.These are the products of your soul & you realize the presence of your very soul inside you,nonperishable.You think beyond your body limits,you realize your cosmic connection,you go for, out of body experiences..you realize you are your soul which is oneness with the whole.Then you start expressing ....unexplainable...unfathomable...undemanding.....pure bliss,love&compassion.
A person who sees with clarity,gives importance to simple reasoning,evaluates things in consonance with its merits and demerits.And a person who believes not illogical things,prophesies &superstitions.Thus far i know about atheism.One thing is sure.An atheist is a person who is very near to spirituality!He is ready to say he knows only things which are knowable.He does not want to keep an account in swiss bank... obscure!with the belief that the mighty bank will take care of him!Believers of God, many a times proudly say they have huge bank balance in Bank of Almighty and the fund will take care of them now and even after death!Strange enough, ones belief contradicts the other ones belief.
If a person says he knows only the facts around him and not ready to believe more he is in the right path.Because many things about spirituality is belief based,without proof,even false belief is received with acclaim because all believers can believe a lot,many fancies,many stories told to you in childhood.And if you do not believe such things you may feel guilty because you fear, you may face the wrath of God or may not receive the blessings!Any belief is blind,that is why one mans belief is totally against the other ones.So much of hatred and war over belief systems...Fighting for ones belief...fighting for ones own God...They say God is love...That you do not believe...because if God is love we can also love people of other religions..No...Our God is only love & my friends God is hatred.It is like our sugar is sweet...not my neighbors!Many types of Gods!
A person who sees this drama from his very birth becomes an atheist...it is not his fault...But....
When an atheist says there is no God or spiritual force he depends too much on his logic&intelligence.And he closes the doors too.Nothing is beyond logic,He is definite.He is correct,God is not someone who can be known by logic.If u depend too much on your logic no chance for God.
Lord Budha was asked "who is the creator"?He replied "The creator is the creation"Not Two,All in One!
A great macro energy runs...uninterrupted... Without measurements...Even without a beginning or end...Thus our limited logic loses the scope...So atheist closes the door with his own logic intact.
A formless energy..independent intelligence..updating itself in every fraction of a second..God does not have form..Humans have forms...You will not believe any thing formless...Acharyas depicted Gods in numerous forms...Only for our cognizance..Because we wanted to see to believe...
If u put form to this great energy the experience part loses..Can you deny the experience of love only because it is formless..Does pain have form?You go beyond the boundary of your body to experience the formless.
A devotee goes to a church or a person goes to a mosque will feel the same degree of ecstasy and inner peace .For both of them the source is same.Only from the same source identical result comes,Sugar is derived only from sugarcane anywhere.Thus proving the one and only energy center..Creator is the creation.. !
Spirituality means awakening the formless spirits in you.Happiness,love,compassion all are formless spirits profusely residing inside you.If these energies are awakened you elevate yourself to a higher level of awareness.These are the products of your soul & you realize the presence of your very soul inside you,nonperishable.You think beyond your body limits,you realize your cosmic connection,you go for, out of body experiences..you realize you are your soul which is oneness with the whole.Then you start expressing ....unexplainable...unfathomable...undemanding.....pure bliss,love&compassion.