The happening of a long cherished wish or the accomplishment of a great work or a blessing are the common reasons for happiness.All of us want happiness in our life actually,we are striving each moment in search of happiness.That's why human beings always try to improve in all activities of life.We are in search of those moments.People try to achieve more to become more happy.If our achievements show a negative trend,we may feel stress and embarrassment and the worst thing is that we cannot take the results for granted.In adverse situations, irritation will be the result.People,especially doing business are seen stressed most often.Modern managerial behavior adds to the dilemma.
What is happening when we are happy?Our mind becomes filled with joy and for us the world appears to be beautiful and our birth,a gift.We become ready to forgive our enemies also.On close observation,we can find out that mind is the sole producer of happiness.But,we believe that mind needs reasons to make itself happy.Actually,whether there is reason or no reason,our mind is an untapped reservoir of happiness.If mind can produce happiness by itself,why are we adding reasons for it?For example,in the past people used to search for water in ponds and rivers.Later they discovered the presence of water under their very feet,dug wells to bring it out and made it supplied 24 hours using tanks and pipe system.Likewise,our mind is filled with overwhelming happiness.Unaware of this reserve,we are in our search outside for sources of happiness which are of just bubble-like certainties.So it would be more reliable if ,in us,happiness originates without any particular reason.For this we ought to fix our inside in such a way that it remains untouched by adverse happenings outside us.
Yes. Happiness is within us and we are solely responsible for it and no external factors can give permanent happiness. Look inside you.Its a little difficult to practice but one can get there.