Prayer and Devotion
Prayer is a request(for a need) or a compliment or even a submission to higher authority.We pray because we have fear as to what will happen in future.We have to set right the future and ,alas! it is not known to us.Many adverse happenings are taking place outside day by day also.So, we need a future insurance.In difficult situations,the intensity of prayer increases.Just as premium of insurance policy is high as risk cover becomes high.And at night,if you are alone,more prayer because the risk of darkness too.
When you analyze prayer,you realize that it divides or separates you from the sanctioning authority.Like what we do in an office,we comply with the formality and are doubtful as to the superpower will answer the prayer or not.Its like an application and maybe your request is sanctioned.Some people pray for peace and for good sleep.Because others pray, you also pray.Most of us even forget the list of requests once they come out of the church or temple.Its like a routine duty.
Devotion:Devotion means you have tremendous faith in existence.You are part of the existence.Not separate.You don't want to fill in an application or take a coupon for meals.Its ready for 24 hours.You and the existence is inseparable and without you even the existence is incomplete.Its like your kid trusts you fully.He doesn't want to submit a bill or intend to get something sanctioned.You see the same face of yourself in him/her.You start seeing yourself in all.Not only human beings,but animals and the whole existence.You are overflowing with endless gratitude and choice-less devotion.You are insured.You don't have a separate I.Your ego gets perished.Will you take a bus ticket if you are the owner of the bus?Will you have fear of the future if the whole world is for you and conspiring for your well-being?The immense gratitude is nothing but devotion.
ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ