
2011, ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 31, ബുധനാഴ്‌ച


'Sathsangathe Nisangathwam' Says Sankaracharya.True friendship is detached!Detachment is the feature of true friendship.Any kind of attachment is not friendship.You need a string or a hook to get attached,a flexible string which makes you move  closer sometimes and distant in many occasions.The string is your own mind,which pulls and scales the distance to be kept with your friend Because attachment is a feature of your mind only.Nothing wrong in judging a person ,but  do not give up the feeling of connection,because you becoming a friend of some one is for no reason...just a coincidence!The cosmos gives you a chance to shower your pure love over your friend!And your friend needs the fragrance of you!
                                    Detachment means your friendship is moving ahead without any oscillation. Why you take deviation if you want to go straight?You keep the good relation intact as a treasure,locked,inside your heart.At times the friend goes wrong,the lock opens,and the affection heals and purifies the other.It demands nothing.Because you do not want to achieve anything..you are relaxed!.Friendship is endless and for no purpose,if  it is for a purpose and you are not achieving it, it hurts or you achieve it & the purpose is served & the friendship ends..A true friend can take the other to an upper room of ecstasy where all the trivialities of the world disappear!The windows of that room is open always,allowing the breeze to come in...you breath the pure air...taste the eternity....allowing the friendship to blossom perpetually......!

2011, ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 19, വെള്ളിയാഴ്‌ച


Anna hazare goes on a hunger strike against corruption in our country.He wants more strict rules to fight corruption.Great move from the veteran leader!
        India is a country preserving high values.It has rich heritage and tradition.But India tops in corruption list ,now.Rules can be made to arrest corruption.Our jails become crowded once strict rules are imposed.Corrupt people can be jailed,but not corrupt mindedness.It will find out loopholes and the process will continue.
            Corruption is a kind of disease...Polluting the air by bad words is corruption,polluting the purpose of a good project by tapping money illegally is corruption.The more you grab the worse will be your suffering,And you think this money will free you from suffering,No,To get rid of this mess you accumulate more...You become a reservoir not a river .River flows and gives ,reservoir binds & fouls .You become a victim of your greed.
               Accumulating money in proper way is  great.You , becoming a kubera is fantastic.Then the affluence gives you enjoyment . Anything which can not be properly used for your satisfaction creates suffering.It is not the style of living but state of mind that matters.World  is challenging you continuously to upgrade your style of living.If you go on upgrading your style, it's an endless process..But if you reach a state of mind of completeness, then the only thing needed  is that you have to sustain that state.. .To reach a good state of mind you should follow some values.You should value others too..If the planet earth is having more number of corrupt people the life here will disappear within ten years!It is high time that these people should scan their system and get the viruses out of their minds.We must get back the money looted from us.
             India develops so fast,we are losing our values even faster.No education to protect our values.Education is given only to make students capable of earning money.Utility theory.West has practiced this theory.. .Anything which does not spin money is useless there...including retired parents!

2011, ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 14, ഞായറാഴ്‌ച


Society wants dependence.It teaches you unwritten rules,do's & donts etc.It does not cater to your own individual needs and feelers,it tries to contain you and fit you to a dress which is tailored not in your size.It has pre -owned attire ,you bend and bow down to wear it! They wanted you to be inside the format or forum .Then  social acceptance is the reward!If you are too straight they say you are an oldie...too smart you are pervert!You are being ruled by incapable...Slowly you accept the dependence.
         If you like to enjoy the breeze in paddy fields, society thinks you are awkward.You go to a second show in theater it is OK,You go to a club and inebriated you are' FIT' in the society!Go to a river and swim,you are illiterate! Have a jacuzzi and not bath at all ,you are yo-yo!Society attributes features and structures to you.It reduces your being into a remote control robot ,it directs you, when to smile and how many inches you open your lips.Buying a new dress and not going to church for a showdown, what use?In a new vehicle you go to club,you see a high priced one there .alas!Too much dependence on society!Social clubs are polluting the very air by gossips ,garbage and liquor bottles.
             Live the way you are.If you feel like you want to sleep,sleep well without guilt,you may be blessed by a sweet dream!If your inner being likes to feed an animal do it now.If you proceed with right actions satisfying your own intuitions and awareness, you can find out, society is a dust bin and people there, sit atop the Heep of garbage.And if you are self confident why you need a certificate from the society?You have enough of  inner treasures inside your being, intact.You do not need a fragile frame from the society to adorn yourself!


2011, ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 13, ശനിയാഴ്‌ച

Bouquet & bonsai..

  Most of us have dreams during night, related to some events that happened in the child hood days.Touching portrayals of schooling ,vivid extracts of people and events that came across during early ages.Why?We were intense and passionate then.A school tour,getting new dress,a feast....it is like our very being jumps out of us to celebrate events.I remember the long waiting for the yearly feast in our church...to ear the first beat of the drum...and the whistling of local band set ...the shopping from 'vechu vaanees' (street vendors),the night drama..etc.
And the most ruthless day in the life, going to school  the very next  day of the feast because a full year to wait for the next feast!
        When we become middle aged the intensity goes down, we do not have solid body memories and we lose the sweet dreams too!Going for a tour and you are not thrilled,you kill some money...cursing the vacation spot...taking snaps...reassuring that you had your vacation .Getting something new and you are not excited means you spent some money to prove in front of the society that you are still rich!Logical satisfaction...not for your senses..And your neighbor goes for a better buy your logic betrays you!
                A person who lives with his senses enjoys the moments of happiness derived out of any action.He does not mind  the logical appraisal and outcome of events happened to him.Live your way of happiness..Ecstatic...!Like a child!